Experience molecular vibration response in product classification with quantIRed!
Welcome to quantIRed and our quantitative infrared imaging technology!
quantIRed is a company founded on using physics, mathematics, and statistical methods to quantify product structural details.
We apply cutting edge spectral imaging technology, mostly in the near infrared (NIR) and the short wave length infrared (SWIR).
Imaging in these spectral domains provides insight into product surface and subsurface structures that cannot be disclosed by other methods such as vision, X-ray, or otherwise.
The fundamental principles of the imaging involves an excitation by vibration of molecules in the irradiated part of the product. Subtle variations are readily detected by reflection or transmittance imaging. These small structural changes are captured by a special camera and are quantified, e.g. in terms of the product process window.
The technology is applicable to a wide range of products and structures, including food, electronics, silicon products, high tech electrods and interconnects, advanced battery electrodes, polymers, waste sorting, layer homogeneity assessment in large structures, and many more.
Keywords of our business
Our work
At quantIRed, our mission is to provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions about the products you produce. We believe that access to quantifiable data is crucial in determining the quality, conformity, and suitability of a product for its intended purpose. That's why we are dedicated to uncovering valuable insights using cutting edge infrared imaging technology. We retrieve structural data and present them in a clear and concise manner.
Opening hours
Mon-Thu: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Fri: 8:00am - 2:00pm
Haraldstedvej 47, Haraldsted, DK - 4100 Ringsted
+45 24409034